Balm is a sour and cooling herb used for its calming effect on conditions of sympathetic excess, hyperadrenalinism and hyperthyroidism
3-5 mls per day, 20-40 mls per week
Parts Used:
Aerial parts
Main Actions:
- Carminative
- Spasmolytic
- Mild sedative
- Diaphoretic
- TSH antagonist
- Antiviral (topically)
Key Indications:
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Depression
- Infantile colic
- Flatulence
- Flatulent colic
- Intestinal colic
- Nervous dyspepsia
- Topically for herpes infections
- Hyperthyroid (combine with Lycopus)
- Heart palpitations, atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, associated with nervousness. Dyspepsia, upset stomach, flatulence
Major Safety Issues:
None known